This week Printing and the Quicktime plugin make their initial appearance on Chrome for Mac.  Lots of important Extensions changes and quite a few bugs are also fixed.

Be sure to read the Known Issues if you are running Chrome for Mac.

All Platforms:
  • CSS rounded corners are now antialiased on Windows and Linux.  (They were already on Mac.)
    • Printing now works. (Issue: 13158)
    • [r28871] Autoupdates no longer cause problems if Chrome is already running. (Issue: 14610)
    • [r29388] Hitting backspace while IME is active does no longer go back in history. (Issue: 25000)
    • [r28837] QuickTime plugin no longer crashes, and often displays properly (though there are still bugs to be ironed out).
    • [r28837] Plugin whitelist has been removed, so that Chrome will attempt to load all NPAPI plugins.  Expect more plugin crashes.
    • [r29396] Ctrl-tab switches tabs again. (Issue: 24921)
    • [r29458] Cmd-` switches windows again. (Issue: 24817)
      • Minor visual polish (e.g. horizontal scrollbars show the proper grippy, omnibox highlighting fix).
      • [r28834] Create application shortcuts now works on Fedora 11. (Issue: 22966)
      • [r28869] Browser actions (extension buttons in toolbar) partly implemented. (Issue: 23882)
      • [r29102] Omnibox auto-complete popup stacks properly below SCIM IME candidate window. (Issue: 19082)
      • [r29261] Ctrl+F etc. no longer type other letters into edit boxes in non-English keyboard setups. (Issues: 10846221521471)
        Chrome Frame:
        • Fixes persistent IE 8 crashes. (Issue: 22768)
        • Fixed crashes when navigating with Web Inspector open. (Issue: 22993)
        • Fixes spurious errors when re-installing Chrome Frame. (Issue: 23444)
        • Fixes a crash in comctl32.dll, triggered by Google Wave. (Issue: 24115)
        • Fixes empty referrer issue for initial link navigations. (Issue: 22994)
        • Preview support for accessibility via MSAA, including ARIA role and state information. (Issues 23669, others)
        • Improved keyboard and accelerator handling.
        • IE text-size menu items now change text size in Chrome Frame.
        • Navigating to a site marked as restricted is now disabled in Chrome Frame. Chrome frame now updates the zone UI on the task bar.
        • Chrome Frame will now work for all other users on the machine, not just the user who installs it. (Issue: 23989)
        • Fixes for SSL certificate error issue.
        • Disables sending 'chromeframe' in the User-Agent if the Chrome Frame addon is disabled. (Issue: 22760)
        • Disables the 'Chrome has crashed - Restart?' message box.
        • Limited support for JavaScript history object for back/forward from content.
        • [r29068] *Breaking Change* Finalize browser actions API (Issue: 23879)
        • [r29284] *Breaking Change* Only one browser action or one page actions is now allowed per-extension. We are experimenting with the idea of a direct correspondence between extensions and visible UI features. We think this may improve managability. (Issue: 24473)
        • [r29335] Update page actions API to improve usability. Old API still supported. (Issue: 24635)
        • [r29495] Browser actions and page actions: Add chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path:...}). No longer need to prespecify images in manifest. (Issue: 22575)
        • [r29297] Add an options_page to the manifest. (Issue: 23801)
        • [r29365] You can now use (slightly) bigger icons in browser actions and page actions. Up to 19px square are now allowed (up from 16px). (Issue: 24881)
        • [r29046] Fix extension canceling. (Issue: 23405)
        • [r29143] Browser action button disappears when loading a new extension. (Issue: 23593)
          Known issues:
          • Mac: If an older version of Chrome is running when this version is automatically installed the running version will not quit cleanly and will spike the CPU at 100%.  It will be necessary to Force Quit the application.  Use Cmd-Option-Escape to open the Force Quit dialog.
          • Mac: Cmd-opt-left/right navigate history instead of switching tabs (Issue:25396). Use cmd-{/} as workaround.
          • Linux: Some fonts may look blurry or extra bold. (Issue: 25365)
          More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revisions.

          You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here:

          If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at

          Jonathan Conradt
          Engineering Program Manager