Google Chrome Frame Update
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Dev channel has been updated to 5.0.317.0 for Google Chrome Frame.
This release includes resolutions for the following issues:
- [r35922] Support the PUT HTTP verb in Google ChromeFrame in the IE host network stack implementation. (Issue: 31629)
- [r36037] Browser contents did not resize on control-+/-. (Issue: 31672)
- [r36130] Wave upload operations performed within Google ChromeFrame would cause the Wave application to freeze. (Issue: 26375)
- [r36749, r36831] Fixed issue which pervented the deletion of cookies with JavaScript. (Issues: 32546, 30786)
- [r36814] Url anchor values were getting stripped from window.location (Issue: 27270)
- [r36898] Include the full Google Chrome version number in the user agent string. (Issue: 29258)
- [r37197] Unload and BeforeUnload handlers would not get invoked within pages inside ChromeFrame. (Issue: 31853)
- [r37585] In IE8 new windows opened within Google ChromeFrame via calls at times bypass the host network stack. (Issue: 33516)
- [r37981] Issue 23175 - cf:xxx namespace conflict with Coldfusion, removed cf: protocol (Issues: 22721, 23006, 29350, 23175)
- [r38021] IE crashes if we close a Google ChromeFrame tab quickly enough. (Issue: 34389)
More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revision.
If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at
Anthony Laforge
Google Chrome